Books & bullets at the ImagineIF Kalispell Library
Books returned to the library drop box in August 2022 contained multiple bullet holes
The battle over inappropriate and pornographic books available to children at libraries across the nation have sparked outrage among those with conservative and Christian values. The ImagineIF Library located in downtown Kalispell, Montana is no exception.
Between January 1, 2022 - April 1, 2023 there were over 200+ calls for service at the Kalispell Library ranging from: welfare checks, disorderly conduct, physical disturbances, drugs, theft, trespass, intoxicated person(s), threats, assault and more at this one library location ALONE. This spreadsheet shows all listings and reason of call for service by Kalispell Police.
Why is this happening?
The homeless issue in Kalispell has worsened over the years while the city is attempting to come to terms over it, has effected many local libraries during this ongoing downturn in the United States economy were people go to find refuge. The book debate has been another factor of those proponents and opponents discussing whether specific books should be allowed to children during heated board meetings regularly at ImagineIF Libraries.
On August 3, 2022 a number of books were found in the return box of the ImagineIF Library location in Kalispell with bullet holes in them. The books were not property of the library and included titles such as: Trump’s War - Michael Savage, James Patterson - Death of the black widow, Treason - Ann Coulter, First Family - David Baldacci and others. None of the books contained Marxist propaganda promoting the sexualization of children.

Since the incident in August 2022 Librarian Tony Edmundson had proactively asked for a security guard at the library part time, the library has hired and since filled the position.
Audio submitted of Mr. Edmundson sent to Kalispell Public Comment during a library board meeting discussing the increasing chaos unfolding at the library on a regular basis.

If ANY of these books were of the LGBTQ flavor is there a doubt in your mind a full investigation would have been launched?
Also, the ‘out of hand’ notion that none of the books were political in nature by Sgt. Dennis Bain of the Kalispell Police Department is false.
Ofc. Bain K8 CAD REPORT: ‘The books are fiction and don’t appear to be connected or political in nature.’
‘Books were disposed of by library staff.’
And as reported in the Daily Inter Lake
Ofc. Bain K8: ‘…many books were left in the book return and that it looked like someone had used a few for target practice and forgot before donating.’
The book Trump’s War by Michael Savage examines the initial appointments, speeches, tweets and history of President Donald Trump and offers his insights and analysis.
This book did have a bullet hole in it.
Click here to view all pictures acquired via public record request with the ImagineIF Library regarding the books returned to the library with bullet holes.
Click here to view the two police reports (redacted) recieved via public record request.
Ashley Cummins: To answer your questions in regard to the books placed in the return on August 3, 2022 with bullet holes in them:
I was returning from a personal vacation the date of the initial incident. The following day, my assistant and I – along with other library staff were scheduled to attend the Montana Library Association’s tri conference in Missoula. When my assistant called to let me know of the incident, I instructed him to immediately close all branches until the police department could evaluate the threat to library staff and the public.
Casey: Why were books disposed by library staff of on August 3, 2022 during an active investigation and not given to police for forensics if they library felt threatened by this act?
AC: The books in question were not disposed of. The police department came our Kalispell branch and made a police report. Library staff attempted to turn over the books for investigative purposes and we were assured that would not be necessary. The books in question actually sat in the bottom drawer of my filing cabinet in the business office until 6 months following the 8/3 incident at which point – they were sent to recycling.
Casey: Have the over 200 calls for service by Kalispell Police since 2022 been largely in part due to the homeless issue?
AC: The library policies are enforced based on patron behavior and not housing status. While I’m sure that some incidents have been involving unhoused persons in Kalispell, not all incidents have. We do not ask anyone in the library to identify their housing status in order to utilize library services.
Casey: Has the hiring of a part time security guard helped stem the issues that have been occurring at the Kalispell Library?
AC: Since the announcement of our decision to hire a security guard, incidents are down significantly. Since the actual hiring of a security guard, they are down even more.
Casey: Is ImagineIF Library proactively working with the Montana District Attorney's Office & DoJ regarding preparation for any future occurrences?
AC: Not at this time. However, the library board and I have been working with the County attorney’s office to do everything we legally can to provide a safe environment for both library staff and library users.
If you have any leads for potential stories please contact:
wow , that is deranged...and a waste of bullets....